Access a library of FREE resources aimed at equipping your church to talk about and tackle the issue of pornography.
93% of pastors say pornography is bigger issue than ever before in their congregations, but only 7% of their churches have a programme to address it.
(Barna Grp 2016)
Of 2000 adults surveyed in 2022:
34% thought Porn was an acceptable part of modern society
38% watch at least once a week
13% said they were addicted
49% said it had a negative impact on their mental health
(Naked Truth/Savanta ComRes 2022)
24% of delegates at a Church Leader Conference had viewed porn in the past month.
(Naked Truth, 2022)
Becoming an NT member church gives you the opportunity to help change the story for your church community.
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Meet Mark
Mark was first exposed to porn at the age of 10. In high school, porn use was normalised by his peers, who saw it as harmless fun. As part of a Christian family he felt unable to talk about it at home or at church and so his porn use and dependency grew.
“It started as the curiosity of a hormone charged teenage boy but it began to progress into an uncontrollable urge, a battle that would continue for years.... I can remember the feeling of powerlessness... It was inevitable. Or at least that's how it felt.”
An NT Church Membership will make a difference for young people like Mark by providing training for your Youth Team, expert advice during Parent Workshops, plus mentoring resources & session plans.

Meet Bethany
Bethany first saw pornography when she was 9, after a very innocent search online. As she got older she was exposed to more and more material, and began viewing porn regularly. By the time she was in university she had her own phone, and her own time, and her porn use started to impact her relationships, friendships and family.
“No one thought it would be pornography that I was struggling with, especially as a Christian, leading worship at my church and Bible study and prayer groups. I felt I couldn't tell anyone because of the shame of feeling like the only woman in the world who was watching porn.”
An NT Church Membership will make a difference for people like Bethany by providing online training for your pastoral team, consultation with our recovery experts, exclusive resources to facilitate in-person support groups and sermon & small group materials to break the stigma.

Meet Jane
When Jane discovered her husband’s years of hidden porn use, it shook her world like a earthquake. Her church rallied around her but struggled to understand the complexity of the betrayal and trauma she had experienced.
“The hardest part during those first few months was discovering that my deep trust was based on an illusion. I felt like I was ‘losing my religion’ - that’s a saying where I'm from and it felt true. I also felt that no one in the world would really understand.”
An NT Church Membership will make a difference for people like Jane by providing online training for your pastoral team and small group leaders so they can signpost and offer trauma informed and partner focused support plus access to consultation with our recovery team.